Archives for : ts15

LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame

LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame
LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame

LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame
Leica TS15 Total Station Display Backplate. Good Working Order And Condition.
LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame

LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame

LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame
LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame

LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame
Leica TS15 Total Station Display Backplate. Good Working Order And Condition.
LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame

Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Imaging Total Station TS 15

Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Imaging Total Station TS 15
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Imaging Total Station TS 15

Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Imaging Total Station TS 15
Michigan based company with a global presence. Offering New & Refurbished Total Stations, GPS / GNSS Base & Rovers, Radios, Antennas, Data Collectors, Grade & Pipe Lasers, Digital Levels, Magnetic Locators, Grade Control Systems, AgGPS Systems, Field Supplies, Accessories, Hand Tools & Safety Equipment! Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Imaging Total Station [ID- -L/T] Battery Pack Battery Charger Carrying Case. Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Imaging Total Station. Leica TS15 Robotic Imaging Total Station. Optimize your productivity with exact photo documentation of site conditions. With live streaming of the total station view, you always know what the total station sees. Measure all points without returning to the total station. Image Notes – Capture an image, screenshot or template, sketch on it and link it to any object in the database. Image Assisted Surveying – Simply tap on the display and the total station will turn and measure the desired target. TS15 uses years of experience to optimally combine the world’s best total station sensors: angles, distances, drives and the patented PowerSearch target recognition camera. Search – the unique PowerSearch fi nds your prism within seconds. Lock – stays locked onto your prism in the most demanding environments. Measure – PinPoint EDM seamlessly harmonizes with precise angle sensors to complete the measurement process. Add full GNSS functionality to your TS15 whenever you want and combine TPS and GNSS in the most efficient way. Use SmartStation for TPS setup without the need of control points, traverses and resections. Use SmartPole to save time with setup’On-the-fl y’ and measure parallel with TPS and GNSS for double productivity. 0.1” (0.1 mgon). 1.5” (0.5 mgon). Reflective tape (60 mm x 60 mm). 250 m (800 ft). Accuracy / Measurement Time. 1 mm + 1.5 ppm / typ. 3 mm + 1.5 ppm / typ. Distance Measurement (Any Surface). 400 m (1310 ft). 2 mm + 2 ppm / typ. >10000 m (>32800 ft). Long-range: 5 mm + 2 ppm / typ. System analyzer based on phase shift measurement (coaxial, visible red laser). Laser dot size (Non-Prism). At 30 m: 7 mm x 10 mm, at 50 m: 8 mm x 20 mm. Operating system & Processor. Windows CE 6.0. MX31 533 MHz ARM Core. 1° 30′ (1.66 gon) / 2.7 m at 100 m. 1.7 m to infinity. 640 x 480 pixel (VGA) color TFT with LED backlight and touch screen. 36 keys (12 function keys, 12 alphanumeric keys), illumination. Face I standard / face II optional. Memory, Ports & Communication. Internal memory / Memory devices. 1 GB (nonvolatile NAND Flash) / SD card, USB stick. RS232, Bluetooth® Wireless-Technology, USB mini AB OTG. Sensitivity of Circular level. 6′ / 2 mm. Centering accuracy of Laser plummet. 1.5 mm at 1.5 m. 1 horizontal / 1 vertical. 5 – 8 h (GEB221). 7.4 V / 4.4 Ah. Weight of Total Station. 4.9 – 5.5 kg / 0.2 kg / 0.8 kg. Height / Width / Length. 345 mm / 226 mm / 203 mm. Working / Storage temperature range. 20° C to +50° C / -40° C to +70° C. Dust / water (IEC 60529) / Humidity. IP55 / 95%, non-condensing. (Certain orders may take longer for processing due to comprehensive final service inspections). Sell Smarter with Kyozou. Inventory and Ecommerce Management.
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Imaging Total Station TS 15

LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame

LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame
LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame

LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame
Leica TS15 Total Station Display Backplate. Good Working Order And Condition.
LEICA TS15 Total Station Display Back Frame

Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Imaging Station Ts 15

Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Imaging Station Ts 15
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Imaging Station Ts 15

Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Imaging Station Ts 15
Entreprise basée au Michigan avec une présence mondiale. Nous expédions dans le monde entier à des milliers de clients satisfaits. Notre équipement bénéficie d’un service client et d’une assistance exceptionnels, ainsi que d’une garantie complète. Offrant des stations totales neuves et remises à neuf, des bases et mobiles GPS/GNSS, des radios, des antennes, des collecteurs de données, des lasers de nivellement et de canalisation, des niveaux numériques, des localisateurs magnétiques, des systèmes de contrôle de nivellement, des systèmes AgGPS, des fournitures de terrain, des accessoires, des outils manuels et des équipements de sécurité! Description de l’article. Station totale d’imagerie robotique Leica TS15 P 3 R400 [ID- -L/T] Batterie Chargeur de batterie Mallette de transport. État : Remis à neuf. Garantie : échange de 90 jours. Station totale d’imagerie robotique Leica TS15 P 3 R400. Station totale d’imagerie robotique Leica TS15. Imagerie de premier ordre. Optimisez votre productivité avec une documentation photographique exacte des conditions du site. Avec la diffusion en direct de la vue de la station totale, vous savez toujours ce que voit la station totale. Mesurez tous les points sans retourner à la station totale. Remarques sur les images – Capturez une image, une capture d’écran ou un modèle, dessinez dessus et liez-le à n’importe quel objet de la base de données. Levé assisté par image – Appuyez simplement sur l’écran et la station totale tournera et mesurera la cible souhaitée. Le meilleur sondage effectué par une seule personne. TS15 utilise des années d’expérience pour combiner de manière optimale les meilleurs capteurs de station totale au monde : angles, distances, entraînements et la caméra de reconnaissance de cible brevetée PowerSearch. Rechercher – l’unique PowerSearch trouve votre prisme en quelques secondes. Verrouillage – reste verrouillé sur votre prisme dans les environnements les plus exigeants. Mesure – PinPoint EDM s’harmonise parfaitement avec les capteurs d’angle précis pour compléter le processus de mesure. Ajoutez la fonctionnalité GNSS complète à votre TS15 quand vous le souhaitez et combinez TPS et GNSS de la manière la plus efficace. Utilisez SmartStation pour la configuration TPS sans avoir besoin de points de contrôle, de traverses et de résections. Utilisez SmartPole pour gagner du temps avec la configuration « à la volée » et mesurez en parallèle avec TPS et GNSS pour une double productivité. 0,1” (0,1 mggon). Précision du réglage du compensateur. 1,5” (0,5 mg). Bande réfléchissante (60 mm x 60 mm). 250 m (800 pi). Précision / Temps de mesure. 1 mm + 1,5 ppm / typ. 3 mm + 1,5 ppm / typ. Mesure de distance (n’importe quelle surface). 400 m (1310 pi). 2 mm + 2 ppm / typ. Mesure de distance (longue portée). >10 000 m (>32 800 pieds). Longue portée : 5 mm + 2 ppm / typ. Distance mesurable la plus courte. Analyseur de système basé sur la mesure du déphasage (laser rouge visible coaxial). Taille du point laser (sans prisme). A 30 m : 7 mm x 10 mm, à 50 m : 8 mm x 20 mm. Système d’exploitation et processeur. Windows CE 6.0. Noyau ARM Freescale i. Ouverture d’objectif libre. 1° 30′ (1,66 gon) / 2,7 m à 100 m. Plage de mise au point. 1,7 m à l’infini. TFT couleur 640 x 480 pixels (VGA) avec rétroéclairage LED et écran tactile. 36 touches (12 touches de fonction, 12 touches alphanumériques), éclairage. Face I standard / face II en option. Mémoire, ports et communications. Mémoire interne / Périphériques de mémoire. 1 Go (NAND Flash non volatile) / carte SD, clé USB. RS232, technologie sans fil Bluetooth®, USB mini AB OTG. Sensibilité du niveau circulaire. Précision de centrage du plomb laser. 1,5 mm à 1,5 m. 1 horizontale / 1 verticale. Gestion de l’alimentation. 5 – 8 heures (GEB221). 7,4 V / 4,4 Ah. Poids de la station totale. 4,9 – 5,5 kg/0,2 kg/0,8 kg. 345mm / 226mm / 203mm. Plage de température de travail/stockage. 20°C à +50°C / -40°C à +70°C. Poussière / eau (IEC 60529) / Humidité. IP55 / 95%, sans condensation. Nous tenterons d’expédier vos articles dans les 24 heures suivant la réception du paiement. Sur les articles expédiés depuis un pays étranger. Nous ne prenons pas en charge ces frais et nous vous recommandons de contacter l’agence douanière de votre pays pour obtenir ces informations. Le processus de paiement est conçu de manière à communiquer avec le commerçant pour confirmer que le paiement a été effectué et compensé. D’autres méthodes de paiement sont décrites via le processus de paiement en ligne. Les enchérisseurs gagnants doivent nous contacter dans les 3 jours suivant la clôture des enchères si des modalités de paiement spéciales sont nécessaires. Votre paiement est attendu dans les 5 jours après la clôture des enchères. Les enchères non payées seront annulées 5 jours après la clôture des enchères et le ou les articles seront remis en vente. Les articles seront expédiés dans les 24 heures (1 jour ouvrable) dès réception du paiement de l’enchérisseur gagnant. (Certaines commandes peuvent prendre plus de temps à traiter en raison d’inspections de service finales complètes). Un ou plusieurs numéros de suivi des expéditions seront fournis pour informer les acheteurs de leur ETA (heure d’arrivée estimée) prévue. Les numéros de suivi seront fournis le jour même de l’expédition de la commande. Vendez plus intelligemment avec Kyozou. Gestion des stocks et du commerce électronique. Les enchérisseurs gagnants doivent nous contacter dans les 3 jours suivant la.
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Imaging Station Ts 15

Leica TS15 P 5 R400 Robotic Total Station & CS15 Used

Leica TS15 P 5 R400 Robotic Total Station & CS15 Used
Leica TS15 P 5 R400 Robotic Total Station & CS15 Used
Leica TS15 P 5 R400 Robotic Total Station & CS15 Used
Leica TS15 P 5 R400 Robotic Total Station & CS15 Used
Leica TS15 P 5 R400 Robotic Total Station & CS15 Used

Leica TS15 P 5 R400 Robotic Total Station & CS15 Used
Leica TS15 P 5 R400 Robotic Total Station & CS15 – Used. Leica TS15 Fully Robotic Total Station including CS15 Field Controller. Additional Information: Instrument supplied is fully reconditioned and configured by our Leica accredited service team, and ready to start work immediately, other than the tripod and detail pole. Equipment supplied, serviced, and calibrated by a Leica Geosystems Authorised Distributor & Service Partner. Inspected, Certified & Guaranteed. Leica TS15 Price- Equipment List. Leica TS15 P 5 R400 Robotic Total Station Leica CS15 Field Controller Leica Radio Handle Leica GDF321 Tribrach Leica Battery Charger G2 Style GEB221 Battery (new) x2 G2 Style GEB212 Battery (new) x2 Leica GRZ4 360° Prism Leica GHT62 Pole Holder for CS15 Leica GHT63 Pole Clamp Leica Hard Container x2 1GB SD Memory Card Rain Cover & Lens Cover Total Station All Weather Cover 12 Month Calibration Certificate. Software & Apps Included. Reference Line Stake Out. Instrument supplied is fully reconditioned and configured by our Leica accredited service team, and ready to start work immediately, other than the tripod and detail pole. Our items are available for pick-up. Paying via Direct Deposit. No additional information at this time. You might also like. Retro Reflective Targets for Surveying Total Stations. Monitoring Mini Prism CMP104. Leica GST103 Aluminium Tripod.
Leica TS15 P 5 R400 Robotic Total Station & CS15 Used

Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Imaging Total Station TS 15

Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Imaging Total Station TS 15
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Imaging Total Station TS 15

Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Imaging Total Station TS 15
Michigan based company with a global presence. Offering New & Refurbished Total Stations, GPS / GNSS Base & Rovers, Radios, Antennas, Data Collectors, Grade & Pipe Lasers, Digital Levels, Magnetic Locators, Grade Control Systems, AgGPS Systems, Field Supplies, Accessories, Hand Tools & Safety Equipment! Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Imaging Total Station [ID- -L/T] Battery Pack Battery Charger Carrying Case. Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Imaging Total Station. Leica TS15 Robotic Imaging Total Station. Optimize your productivity with exact photo documentation of site conditions. With live streaming of the total station view, you always know what the total station sees. Measure all points without returning to the total station. Image Notes – Capture an image, screenshot or template, sketch on it and link it to any object in the database. Image Assisted Surveying – Simply tap on the display and the total station will turn and measure the desired target. TS15 uses years of experience to optimally combine the world’s best total station sensors: angles, distances, drives and the patented PowerSearch target recognition camera. Search – the unique PowerSearch fi nds your prism within seconds. Lock – stays locked onto your prism in the most demanding environments. Measure – PinPoint EDM seamlessly harmonizes with precise angle sensors to complete the measurement process. Add full GNSS functionality to your TS15 whenever you want and combine TPS and GNSS in the most efficient way. Use SmartStation for TPS setup without the need of control points, traverses and resections. Use SmartPole to save time with setup’On-the-fl y’ and measure parallel with TPS and GNSS for double productivity. 0.1” (0.1 mgon). 1.5” (0.5 mgon). Reflective tape (60 mm x 60 mm). 250 m (800 ft). Accuracy / Measurement Time. 1 mm + 1.5 ppm / typ. 3 mm + 1.5 ppm / typ. Distance Measurement (Any Surface). 400 m (1310 ft). 2 mm + 2 ppm / typ. >10000 m (>32800 ft). Long-range: 5 mm + 2 ppm / typ. System analyzer based on phase shift measurement (coaxial, visible red laser). Laser dot size (Non-Prism). At 30 m: 7 mm x 10 mm, at 50 m: 8 mm x 20 mm. Operating system & Processor. Windows CE 6.0. MX31 533 MHz ARM Core. 1° 30′ (1.66 gon) / 2.7 m at 100 m. 1.7 m to infinity. 640 x 480 pixel (VGA) color TFT with LED backlight and touch screen. 36 keys (12 function keys, 12 alphanumeric keys), illumination. Face I standard / face II optional. Memory, Ports & Communication. Internal memory / Memory devices. 1 GB (nonvolatile NAND Flash) / SD card, USB stick. RS232, Bluetooth® Wireless-Technology, USB mini AB OTG. Sensitivity of Circular level. 6′ / 2 mm. Centering accuracy of Laser plummet. 1.5 mm at 1.5 m. 1 horizontal / 1 vertical. 5 – 8 h (GEB221). 7.4 V / 4.4 Ah. Weight of Total Station. 4.9 – 5.5 kg / 0.2 kg / 0.8 kg. Height / Width / Length. 345 mm / 226 mm / 203 mm. Working / Storage temperature range. 20° C to +50° C / -40° C to +70° C. Dust / water (IEC 60529) / Humidity. IP55 / 95%, non-condensing. (Certain orders may take longer for processing due to comprehensive final service inspections). Sell Smarter with Kyozou. Inventory and Ecommerce Management.
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Imaging Total Station TS 15

External Battery Power Cable 0B 1B 5 Pin for Leica TS15 TPS800 TCR Total Station

External Battery Power Cable 0B 1B 5 Pin for Leica TS15 TPS800 TCR Total Station
External Battery Power Cable 0B 1B 5 Pin for Leica TS15 TPS800 TCR Total Station
External Battery Power Cable 0B 1B 5 Pin for Leica TS15 TPS800 TCR Total Station
External Battery Power Cable 0B 1B 5 Pin for Leica TS15 TPS800 TCR Total Station

External Battery Power Cable 0B 1B 5 Pin for Leica TS15 TPS800 TCR Total Station
Cables for Sony Canon camera. Cables for Blackmagic Design. Survey Total Station GPS Cable. High flex ethernet cables. SDI / RF coaxial & power cable. Hirose or Fischer connectors. P series medical cconnectors. K series waterproof connectors. S series half moon connectors. Cable for ARRI Camera. Cable for RED Camera. Cable for Teradek & Vaxis. 5-Pin to 5-Pin External Battery Power Cable for. Erfect for powering Leica TCRP1203. And TPS800 TPS1200 total station from. Connectors : Compatible for Lemo 0B 5-pin male to 1B 5-pin male Length : about 1.8 m. Please provide parameter and pinout diagram of the cable and the specification of the connector. Quality : Every cable is fully tested. We will do our best to give you a reasonable solution.
External Battery Power Cable 0B 1B 5 Pin for Leica TS15 TPS800 TCR Total Station

Leica Geosystems TS15 L 5? R1000 Total Station Surveying Equipment

Leica Geosystems TS15 L 5? R1000 Total Station Surveying Equipment
Leica Geosystems TS15 L 5? R1000 Total Station Surveying Equipment
Leica Geosystems TS15 L 5? R1000 Total Station Surveying Equipment
Leica Geosystems TS15 L 5? R1000 Total Station Surveying Equipment
Leica Geosystems TS15 L 5? R1000 Total Station Surveying Equipment
Leica Geosystems TS15 L 5? R1000 Total Station Surveying Equipment

Leica Geosystems TS15 L 5? R1000 Total Station Surveying Equipment
C : Very Good -A few scratches but looks good. A few scratches that are not visible unless you look closely. Please check the photos for detailed conditions. Ncludes optional robotic license and counter-rotation observation program. Elapsed time: 10 years Angular accuracy: 5? . Measuring accuracy: Reflective prism ±(1mm + 1.5ppm x D)mm Includes optional robotic license for measurable distance and a program for counter-clockwise observation. Elapsed time: 10 years Angular measurement accuracy: 5? . Standard prism (GPR1): 3,500m Mini prism (GMP101): 2,000m Leica reflective tape: 250m Non-prismatic distance measurement: 1,000m Non-prism: Fat Leveling stand: Detachable Dustproof and waterproof performance: IP55/95%, no condensation Interface: RS232C/SD card/USB memory JSIMA applicable classifica. Tion: Theodolite B, Lightwave ranging A. GSI certification: Class 2A total station. S : New/Unused(Open box). A : Mint -Almost Unused. B : Excellent – Beautiful item for used. D : Good -Just fine. E : Imperfect -There may be a problem or shows sign of age. F : For parts or not working, untested, only powered on, needed maintenance, etc.. (Except for non-returnable items). International Buyers- Please Note. This item is in the category “Business & Industrial\Test, Measurement & Inspection\Levels & Surveying Equipment\Total Stations & Accessories”. The seller is “luckysamurai-store” and is located in this country: JP. This item can be shipped to North, South, or Latin America, all countries in Europe, all countries in continental Asia, Australia, Guam, New Zealand, Afghanistan, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan Republic, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bhutan, Bolivia, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), French Guiana, Georgia, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Martinique, Mongolia, Montserrat, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, South Africa, Suriname, Tajikistan, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Virgin Islands (U.S.), Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen.
  • Brand: Leica
  • Custom Bundle: No
  • Model: TS15
  • Product: Total Station
  • MPN: Geosystems TS15
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Japan
  • Unit Quantity: NA
  • Modified Item: No

Leica Geosystems TS15 L 5? R1000 Total Station Surveying Equipment

Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Station with CS20 Data Collector & Captivate

Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Station with CS20 Data Collector & Captivate
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Station with CS20 Data Collector & Captivate
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Station with CS20 Data Collector & Captivate
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Station with CS20 Data Collector & Captivate
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Station with CS20 Data Collector & Captivate
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Station with CS20 Data Collector & Captivate
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Station with CS20 Data Collector & Captivate
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Station with CS20 Data Collector & Captivate
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Station with CS20 Data Collector & Captivate

Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Station with CS20 Data Collector & Captivate
Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Station Kit. This kit includes a Leica TS15 Total Station which is primarily used in the Surveying Trade. The TS15 is one of the total stations in Leica’s line of TS-Series total stations. This kit also includes a Leica CS20 Data Collector with Captivate Software. To ensure only the best performance from our equipment, this Leica TS15 was recently serviced and calibrated at a Leica Service Center. Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Station. 3.5 OnBoard Screen w/ Leica Captivate Software. 1 – Leica RH16 LongLink Bluetooth Handle. Power Search, ATR, Guide Light Enabled. Accuracy: 5/32 in. Or 4.2 mm at 500 ft. 1 – Leica Single Bay Charger w/ Power Supply. 1 – Leica GRZ4 360° Prism. 2 – Leica Rechargeable Total Station Batteries. 1 – Leica Transport Case. Leica CS20 Data Collector. Leica Captivate Software Installed Version 7.51. Measure & Stakeout Enabled. 1 – Single Bay Battery Charger w/ Power Supply. 2 – Leica Rechargeable GEB334 CS20 Li-ion Batteries. 1 – CS20 Rod Bracket. New Seco Trimax Tripod. New Seco Carbon Fiber Robotic Pole New Seco Bipod. Condition: This item is in great working condition with a fresh calibration and service! This item is in the category “Business & Industrial\Test, Measurement & Inspection\Levels & Surveying Equipment\Total Stations & Accessories”. The seller is “4kequipment360″ and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, Australia.
  • Brand: Leica
  • Model: TS15 P, CS20
  • Product: Robotic Total Station, Data Collector

Leica TS15 P 3 R400 Robotic Total Station with CS20 Data Collector & Captivate