LEICA GKL23 CHARGER FOR LEICA TPS TOTAL STATION. Please take a look at the product pictures before placing your order. The pictures accurately represent the product. It’s important to note that the item shown in the picture is the only thing included. No other accessories are included. Please do not remove the security seal under any circumstances. If the seal is removed or damaged, the return will be void. If you need to return an item due to damage or any other reason, it is important to make a video of the unboxing process immediately after receiving the package. Without this video, we may not be able to accept a return for the damaged item. The item you receive will be exactly as shown in the picture. We are always happy to assist as much as possible. Our goal is to ensure every customer is satisfied. We strive to provide excellent service and quality products. We would be happy to assist you. Rest assured, the product you receive will be exactly as pictured!